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How to Paint Skirting Boards with Carpet in Place

Painting skirting boards with carpet in place might seem challenging, but with some careful preparation and the right tools, you can achieve a professional-looking finish without damaging your carpet. At Prime Product Picks, we love to provide valuable insight, that’s why we’ve put together this guide where we’ll take you through the step-by-step process to successfully paint your skirting boards while keeping your carpet safe and clean.

A professional carpenter dressed in a blue denim shirt and beige worker trousers with heavy duty worker boots painting a skirting board with intricacy.

Table of Contents

  1. Gather the Supplies
  2. Prep the Area
  3. Clean and Tape
  4. Choose the Right Paint and Technique
  5. Use a Small Roller
  6. Be Patient
  7. Apply a Second Coat (if needed)
  8. Remove Painter’s Tape
  9. Protect Your Carpets When Painting Your Skirting Boards
  10. FAQ Section

1. Gather the Supplies

Before starting the painting process, gather the following supplies:

  • Paint (latex or oil-based, depending on your preference)
  • Painter’s tape
  • Drop cloths or plastic sheets
  • Angled paintbrush and/or small roller
  • Paint tray
  • Paint edger tool (optional but helpful)

2. Prep the Area

Clear the area around the skirting boards, removing any furniture or obstacles. Lay drop cloths or plastic sheets to protect the carpet from paint splatters and spills. Secure the edges of the drop cloth with painter’s tape to prevent it from moving during the painting process.

3. Clean and Tape

Thoroughly clean the skirting boards to remove any dust, dirt, or grease. Use a mild detergent and water solution, and make sure to dry them completely before proceeding. Once the skirting boards are clean, apply painter’s tape along the edges of the carpet to create a barrier between the carpet and the skirting boards.

4. Choose the Right Paint and Technique

Select the appropriate paint for your skirting boards – latex paint is generally easier to work with and offers faster drying times. Start by cutting in around the edges of the skirting boards using an angled paintbrush. Be careful not to press the brush too hard to avoid getting paint on the carpet.

5. Use a Small Roller

For the main surface of the skirting boards, use a small roller to apply an even coat of paint. Roll the paint onto the skirting boards gently, being cautious near the carpeted areas. If you prefer not to use a roller, you can stick with the paintbrush for the entire process, but it may take a bit more time and effort.

6. Be Patient

Allow the first coat to dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Depending on the paint type and conditions, this might take a few hours. Avoid stepping on the painted skirting boards while they dry to prevent any accidental smudges on the carpet.

7. Apply a Second Coat (if needed)

Inspect the skirting boards after the first coat has dried. If you notice any unevenness or areas with insufficient coverage, apply a second coat of paint following the same techniques as before. Allow the second coat to dry thoroughly.

8. Remove Painter’s Tape

Once the paint is completely dry, gently remove the painter’s tape from the carpet to reveal clean, straight edges.

A rear view image of a carpenter dressed in blue jeans painting a brown skirting board with precision.

Protect Your Carpets When Painting Your Skirting Boards

If you are also laying a new carpet when you are painting the walls and skirting boards, then the best advice is to finish the painting and then lay the carpet. If you already have a carpet and want to paint the skirting boards with the carpet in situ, then we have some advice you can follow.

Two methods to protect your carpet:

  1. Lift the Edges: The first method is to lift the edges of the carpet that is close to the skirting board. This will ensure you don’t get any paint on the carpet. However, this can be fiddly, especially if you do not know how to re-edge the carpet in after the paint has dried. You also run the risk of the carpet flipping back and getting paint on it and taking it off the skirting board. This will also make the room un-usable while the carpet edges are lifted.
  2. The Masking Tape Method: The easiest way to protect your carpet is with masking tape. As long as you take the time to cover properly and ensure enough overlap, you should be able to paint the skirting boards and only get paint on the masking tape rather than the carpet. Pushing the masking tape under the skirting board if possible is a great way to ensure no leakage. You should also take extra care not to use too much paint and to get as little paint on the masking tape as possible.

By following these additional tips, you can confidently paint your skirting boards with carpet in place and achieve a refreshed look for your room without compromising your carpet’s cleanliness and appearance.

For more home improvement tips and step-by-step guides, check out our detailed article on ‘How to Paint Window Sills‘ to ensure another successful painting project.


1. Can I paint skirting boards with carpet in place?

Yes, you can paint skirting boards with carpet in place. By following the right preparation and using masking tape and drop cloths, you can protect your carpet from paint splatters and achieve a professional finish.

2. What type of paint should I use for skirting boards?

Latex paint is generally recommended for skirting boards as it is easier to work with, dries quickly, and is low in toxic fumes. However, you can also use oil-based paint if you prefer, but it may have a longer drying time.

3. How do I prevent paint from getting on the carpet?

To prevent paint from getting on the carpet, use painter’s tape along the edges of the carpet and under the skirting boards. Additionally, take care not to overload the paintbrush or roller with paint, and work with a steady hand.

4. Can I lay a new carpet after painting the skirting boards?

If you are also laying a new carpet, it’s best to finish the painting first and then lay the carpet. This ensures that the carpet remains clean and free from any accidental paint spills.

5. What if I accidentally get paint on the carpet?

If you accidentally get paint on the carpet, act quickly. Use a damp cloth or sponge to gently blot the paint, avoiding rubbing to prevent spreading the paint further. Clean the affected area promptly to minimize any staining.

6. Can I paint skirting boards without removing them?

Yes, you can paint skirting boards without removing them. Just follow the steps in the guide, and use masking tape, drop cloths, and a steady hand to protect the carpet and achieve a clean finish.

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