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How to Paint a Window Sill

Painting exterior window sills is a simple and effective way to enhance the appearance of your home while providing protection to the window sill material. Whether you are working with wooden or uPVC window sills, follow these easy steps to achieve a professional-looking paint job that will last for years.

Table of Contents

  1. Materials You’ll Need
  2. Preparing the Surface
  3. Painting Wooden Exterior Window Sills
  4. Painting Exterior uPVC Window Sills
  5. Additional Tips

Materials You’ll Need

  • Exterior paint
  • Biodegradable dust sheet or a decorator’s canvas to protect the surrounding areas.
  • Paint stripper (if window sills are already painted and need stripping).
  • Sandpaper for smoothing the surface.
  • Painter’s masking tape to protect areas you don’t want to paint.
  • Paintbrush or paint roller for applying the paint.
  • Paint tray to hold the paint.
  • Wide scraper for removing old paint.
  • Sponge and bucket of water for cleaning the surface.
  • Stain blocker (for certain types of woods that may stain or bleed through light colours).
A set of DIY tools and materials for painting exterior window sills on a black metal sheet.

Preparing the Surface

  1. If your window sills have old and flaking paint, start by using a paint stripper and scraper to remove it completely, leaving a bare wooden surface.
  2. Wipe down the surface with a sponge soaked in warm water to remove any remaining residue.
  3. Sand the surface to make it smooth and ready for painting.
  4. Use painter’s masking tape to mask off any areas that should not be painted.

Painting Wooden Exterior Window Sills

  1. If the wood is new or well-weathered, apply a diluted first coat (a mixture of 70% paint and 30% water) for long-lasting results.
  2. For certain woods like plywood, red cedar, and resinous woods, apply a stain blocker first to prevent staining and bleeding through light colors.
  3. Apply your first coat of paint and allow it to dry for 2-4 hours.
  4. Paint a second coat and remove the masking tape. Leave it to dry for 16 hours or overnight.
  5. Step back and admire your freshly painted window sills.

Note: If the wood is new and treated, it is recommended to wait at least 6 months before painting to allow the treatment to weather first.

A hugely cracked window sill requiring repainting.

Painting Exterior uPVC Window Sills

  1. For uPVC or plastic window sills, lightly sand the surface to ensure better paint adhesion.
  2. You don’t need to apply a stain blocker for uPVC sills.
  3. Follow the same painting process as for wooden sills.

Additional Tips

  • Choose from a range of high-quality exterior paints designed for durability and vibrancy, suitable for all kinds of outdoor surfaces.
  • Ideally, paint on a day with a temperature above 10 degrees Celsius and when no rain or frost is forecast to allow the paint to dry thoroughly.

By following these steps and using exterior paint, your window sill paint job will not only transform the look of your home but also provide long-lasting protection against the elements. Take pride in your work and enjoy the refreshed appearance of your window sills for years to come. Happy painting!

If you wanted to test yourself further then why not go ahead and paint your skirting board too, ensure to cover your carpet.

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