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Cricket Pads – The Best Options to Buy

Cricket pads are an essential piece of protective gear for any cricket player. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your cricket journey, understanding how to wear, clean, measure, and learn about the materials of cricket pads is crucial for your safety and performance on the field. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about cricket pads, including answering important questions such as how to wear them, how to clean them, how to measure for the right fit and what materials they are made of.

Click here to jump straight to the best options in 2023.

How to Wear Cricket Pads

Wearing cricket pads correctly is vital for your protection while batting or fielding. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to wear cricket pads:

Step 1: Start with the Leg Guards (Pads)

  1. Put on your cricket trousers or whites.
  2. Begin with the leg guards, also known as pads. Each pad is marked for the right (RH) or left (LH) leg.
  3. Attach the straps around your calf, ensuring a snug fit without constricting blood flow.
  4. Pull the pads up to cover your knee, ensuring the knee roll aligns with your kneecap.
  5. Secure the straps around your thigh to keep the pads in place.
  6. Make sure the pads don’t hinder your mobility while running or batting.

Step 2: Adding the Cricket Shoes

  1. Put on your cricket shoes with spikes.
  2. Tuck the bottom straps of the leg guards into your socks to prevent them from slipping.

Step 3: Completing the Protection

  1. Wear a cricket box (groin protector) for additional safety.
  2. Don your batting gloves and helmet to complete your protective gear.

How to Clean Cricket Pads

Properly cleaning your cricket pads helps maintain their durability and hygiene. Follow these steps to clean your pads:

  1. Remove any excess dirt or grass using a soft brush or cloth.
  2. Prepare a mixture of mild detergent and warm water.
  3. Dampen a clean cloth or sponge in the soapy water and gently wipe the surface of the pads.
  4. Rinse the pads with clean water to remove any soap residue.
  5. Pat the pads dry with a clean towel.
  6. Allow them to air dry completely before storing them in a cool, dry place.

How to Measure Cricket Pads

Choosing the right size of cricket pads is essential for comfort and protection. Here’s how to measure for the perfect fit:

  1. Wear cricket trousers or pants.
  2. Sit down and bend your leg at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Measure the distance from the center of your kneecap to the top of your foot. This measurement will help you select the correct pad size.
  4. Refer to the manufacturer’s size chart to find the corresponding size for your measurement.

What Are Cricket Pads Made Of

Cricket pads are typically constructed from a combination of materials designed to provide both protection and flexibility. The key materials used in making cricket pads include:

1. Cane

Cane is commonly used for the protective sections of cricket pads, such as the vertical and horizontal bars. It offers excellent shock absorption and lightweight protection.

2. Foam Padding

Foam padding is used to cushion the impact and provide comfort to the player. It is often layered within the cane structure.

3. Synthetic Materials

Modern cricket pads may also incorporate synthetic materials that enhance durability, reduce moisture absorption, and make the pads easier to clean.

4. Straps and Fasteners

Elastic straps and fasteners are used to secure the pads to the player’s legs. These are usually made from durable materials to withstand wear and tear.

Best Cricket Pads to Buy

GM Traditional Cricket Pads

Gunn & Moore White Cricket Pad
Key Features
PVC Facing
Cotton/Cane Construction for high quality
Established brand in the world of cricket

Fortress Cricket Pads

Fortress White Cricket Pads
Key Features
Traditional cane and foam design
Dynamic cushion protection
Lightweight 1.5kg

Gray-Nicolls Cricket Pads

Gray Nicolls White Cricket Pads
Key Features
The daddy of cricket equipment
Multiple size options
Premium quality

Cricket Gear Synergy

To complete your cricket gear setup, it’s essential to consider your protection as a whole. A crucial component of your protection is the cricket box or groin protector.

With this comprehensive guide, you now have all the information you need to make the most of your cricket pads. Whether you’re facing a fiery fast bowler or fielding close to the bat, your cricket pads will be your trusty guardians, providing the protection you need to play the game you love with confidence.

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