woman wrapped in a blanket sitting next to the heater
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1p per Hour Electric Heaters: A Myth or a Reality?

  1. Top 5 Energy Efficient Heaters for Winter
  2. The Myth of 1p per Hour Electric Heaters
  3. The Reality of Electric Heater Costs
  4. Are 1p per Hour Heaters Worth Buying?
  5. Exploring Efficient Heating Alternatives
  6. Case Study
  7. Our Verdict

Electric heaters have become a popular choice for keeping homes warm in the UK, but are there truly 1p per hour electric heaters? This article aims to unravel the mystery behind the concept of 1p per hour electric heaters and provide insights into their practicality and cost-effectiveness. We recommend skipping straight to Sarah’s case study if you are short on time which has proved popular for readers.

Top 5 Energy Efficient Electric Heaters for Winter

At number 5 is the Jokoo Electric Fan Heater, consumers have liked the quick heat up functionality due to its high power. It’s ideal for small spaces thanks to its portability. View the latest deal here.

This halogen thermostat heater features a unique and useful touchscreen that differentiates it from your regular heaters. It’s an economic choice and an energy efficient heater that can spread a boosted range of heated air circulation due to the powerful oscillating function.

 The space heater is energy efficient and protected against overturning and overheating. It will automatically shut down when an overheating system or tips over so you can effectively avoid accidents and provide you with a safe and quality personal space. A flash sale is currently on for this one.

Available in multiple colours, this Monhouse heater comes in at number 2. The perfect low-energy heater for homes with its ultra eco mode, it will re adjust temperature to ensure you are not using unnecessary energy. We have an exclusive offer available.

The winner as voted by consumers is the Dreo 16 inch heater. With temperatures of upto 20 degrees in 2 seconds and a smart eco mode where you can define the exact heat you desire from 5 to 35℃ in 1℃ increments. This is a great purchase and unsurprisingly has strong Amazon reviews to support it.

The Myth of 1p per Hour Electric Heaters

The notion of 1p per hour electric heaters has generated a lot of buzz among consumers. But is it really possible to run an electric heater for just 1p per hour? Or is it just a marketing gimmick?

To answer this question, we need to understand the factors that influence the operational cost of electric heaters. These factors include:

  • Wattage: The wattage of an electric heater is a measure of how much power it consumes. The higher the wattage, the more power it consumes, and the more expensive it will be to run.
  • Cost of electricity: The cost of electricity varies from country to country and even from region to region within the same country. So, the cost of running an electric heater will also vary depending on where you live.
  • Efficiency: The efficiency of an electric heater is a measure of how much energy it converts into heat. The more efficient a heater is, the less energy it will waste, and the cheaper it will be to run.
View the best 1p electric heaters on the market

So, is it possible to run an electric heater for just 1p per hour?

Theoretically, it is possible. If you have a very efficient electric heater with a low wattage, and you live in a country with very cheap electricity, then you could potentially run your heater for just 1p per hour.

However, in practice, it is very unlikely that you will be able to find an electric heater that is both efficient and has a low wattage. And even if you do find such a heater, you will still need to live in a country with very cheap electricity in order to run it for just 1p per hour.

So, is the notion of 1p per hour electric heaters just a marketing ploy?

It is certainly possible that some companies are using this notion as a marketing ploy to sell their electric heaters. However, it is also possible that some companies are selling electric heaters that are genuinely very efficient and have a low wattage.

If you are considering buying an electric heater, it is important to do your research and compare different models before making a purchase. You should also check the cost of electricity in your area to get an idea of how much it will cost to run the heater.

Here are some tips for choosing an efficient electric heater:

  • Look for a heater with a high energy efficiency rating.
  • Choose a heater with the right wattage for the room you want to heat.
  • Consider buying a heater with a thermostat, so you can control the temperature and save energy.

You can also save money on running your electric heater by following these tips:

  • Only heat the rooms you are using.
  • Turn off the heater when you leave the room.
  • Insulate your home properly to keep the heat in.

By following these tips, you can choose an efficient electric heater and save money on running costs.

The Reality of Electric Heater Costs

To understand the feasibility of 1p per hour electric heaters, it’s essential to consider the current state of electricity costs in the UK. As of September 2023, the average price of electricity stands at 52p per kilowatt-hour (kWh). This figure forms the basis for evaluating the practicality of running electric heaters at such a low cost.

Are 1p per Hour Heaters Worth Buying?

Whether investing in a 1p per hour electric heater is a sensible choice depends on individual heating needs. This section explores scenarios where low-wattage heaters might be a suitable option, particularly for those seeking cost-effective heating solutions.

Exploring Efficient Heating Alternatives

While 1p per hour electric heaters may not meet all heating requirements, there are alternative heating solutions worth considering. This section discusses these alternatives, including infrared heaters, fan heaters, and the benefits of home insulation.

Infrared Heaters

Infrared heaters heat objects directly. They do this by emitting infrared radiation, which is a type of energy that can be absorbed by objects. When an object absorbs infrared radiation, it heats up.

This means that infrared heaters can heat a room much faster than conventional electric heaters. They can also heat objects more evenly, as they do not have to heat the air first.

Another advantage of infrared heaters is that they are very efficient. They convert almost 100% of the electricity they use into heat. This means that they are much cheaper to run than conventional electric heaters.

We recommend this one from Sonbion.

Infrared Heater, Electric Heater with Two Heat Settings

Key Features
High-quality quartz heating element and radiation wave heating ways
Made of superior ABS v0 fireproof material
Built in overheat protection

Fan Heaters

Fan heaters distribute warm air throughout a space by blowing air over a heating element. While not as energy-efficient as infrared heaters, they are suitable for providing quick and effective heating in smaller areas.

Fan heaters are not as energy-efficient as infrared heaters, as they use more electricity to heat the air. However, they can be a good option for providing quick and effective heating in smaller areas, such as bathrooms or bedrooms.

Nevertheless we recommend this one from Warmlite

Thermo Fan Heater with 2 Heat Settings

Key Features
2 Power Settings – 1000w and 2000w
Adapts to the climate
Portable & lightweight

Home Insulation

Investing in home insulation offers a long-term solution for energy-efficient heating. Proper insulation helps retain heat during the winter and maintains a comfortable environment throughout the year.

Case Study: Sarah’s Energy-Efficient Home Transformation

Meet Sarah, a homeowner in the outskirts of London who was determined to rein in her escalating heating costs while making her home more environmentally friendly. Faced with chilly winters and rising energy bills, she embarked on a journey to transform her home into an energy-efficient haven.

Initial Challenges: Sarah’s traditional heating system relied on an old gas boiler and radiators, which were neither energy-efficient nor cost-effective. Her average winter heating bill was a substantial part of her monthly expenses.

Strategies and Investments:

  1. Switching to a Heat Pump: After thorough research, Sarah decided to invest in an air-source heat pump. This technology efficiently extracted heat from the outside air and distributed it throughout her home. The initial cost was relatively high, but Sarah was eligible for government grants that significantly offset the expense. Sarah decided to invest in an Lexent 6 in 1 Portable Heating and Cooling Air Conditioner as her primary heating source. This energy-efficient heat pump efficiently extracts heat from the outside air, just like the one she chose, and distributes it throughout her home
  2. Home Insulation: Sarah recognized the importance of insulating her home to prevent heat loss. She opted for professional insulation in her attic and walls, creating a thermal barrier that kept her home warm and cosy. She found that using high quality foil insulation a game changer in addition.
  3. Smart Thermostat Integration: Sarah installed a smart thermostat that allowed her to program heating schedules tailored to her daily routines. The thermostat learned her preferences and adjusted heating accordingly, reducing unnecessary energy consumption. Sarah installed a Google Nest that allowed her to program heating schedules tailored to her daily routines. This smart thermostat not only learned her preferences but also adjusted heating efficiently, reducing unnecessary energy consumption.


Sarah’s efforts paid off handsomely. Her winter heating bills saw a remarkable drop of 40%, translating into substantial annual savings. The combination of the heat pump, insulation, and smart thermostat allowed her to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature while using significantly less energy.

Environmental Impact:

Besides the financial benefits, Sarah’s eco-conscious efforts significantly reduced her home’s carbon footprint. The transition to a heat pump and improved insulation helped decrease her household’s greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.


Sarah’s journey to an energy-efficient home not only reduced her heating costs but also aligned with her commitment to environmental responsibility. Her case serves as an inspiring example of how strategic investments and a dedication to sustainable living can transform a house into an efficient, comfortable, and environmentally friendly sanctuary.

Our Verdict

In summary, the concept of 1p per hour electric heaters, though intriguing, does not align with the current cost of electricity in the UK. While low-wattage heaters may serve specific heating needs, their limitations become apparent in larger spaces.

Choosing the right heating solution involves assessing individual requirements, room size, and budget. Exploring alternative options such as infrared heaters, fan heaters, or home insulation can offer more efficient and cost-effective ways to keep your home warm.

Ultimately, selecting the best heating method for your home depends on a combination of factors. By making informed choices, you can ensure a cosy and comfortable living environment while managing heating costs effectively.

The winning heater as chosen by consumers for 2023 is the Dreo 16 Inch Electric Heater. With 5 modes (1800W/1100W/900W/ECO/Fan Only), you’re allowed to tune the heat as you like to save more on energy bills and in ECO Mode, you can define the exact heat you desire from 5 to 35℃ in 1℃ increments.

Energy Efficient Space Heater

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